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How to Have Productive and Engaging Board Directors Meetings

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Board directors are essential to the success of your business. They are able to provide feedback, offer support or make decisions that determine the direction of your business. Therefore, it’s important to have engaging and productive board meetings. How do you achieve it?

Start with the Most Important Items

The majority of your board meeting should be focused on discussing how you can implement your company’s plans. This is the perfect time to discuss specific KPI goals, which can be tracked and measured. Examples include net promoter scores, sales and region. This helps to ensure your board is in agreement with the rest the company and work together towards the same goals.

Don’t get lost

Being distracted by new discussion issues at the board’s meeting can easily take up meeting time and divert board members from the most important agenda items. Instead, let the chair start with a 10 minute recap of the main information that is sought at the meeting. Reiterating highlights from pre-meeting calls and the board’s package.

If a topic is brought up that isn’t a priority, you can put it on the last item on the agenda, or plan it for an interruption. This will stop it from being glossed over, and it will also provide the impression that the board is looking for new ideas and perspectives.

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