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What is Document Management?

Document management is a collection of processes, technologies and tools to capture documents, organize and store them in an enterprise. This includes managing the information (data) that composes these documents as well as the meta-data that describes them.

The implementation of a document management system requires planning, educating and purchasing the right software tools. It is about evaluating existing workflows and identifying areas that could be improved to make them more effective.

A document manager is a software that helps an organization record, classify and organize information in a manner that employees can Learn More easily access it. It can be used to organize documents, create and manage kinds of documents, including standard operating procedures (SOPs) invoices, contracts, certificates and contracts spreadsheets and emails.

Once a document has been completed, it is crucial that all those involved are informed and given the chance to read it prior to final approval. This is where document management systems are useful: They provide a central platform where comments and suggestions can be shared, eliminating the need for long email chains. The stakeholders can then provide feedback on specific issues like marketing compliance or tone, wording spelling, and much more.

After the document has been reviewed and approved the document can be uploaded to the appropriate database and made accessible to all internal stakeholders to access. Document management systems can automatically notify all participants when a document is uploaded.

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